General information on the assembly system
The holding of assemblies and processions is regulated by the Basic Law and the Assembly Act. Here you will find information on the registration procedure for public assemblies.
KPB Heinsberg

New Assembly Act NRW in force


Since 07.01.2022, the state of NRW has had its own assembly law. This replaced the federal Assembly Act of 1953, which had been in force until then.

Every organizer of an assembly should familiarize themselves with the regulations, in particular with Sections 4-6, 10 VersG NRW, in advance.



Please send notifications for an open-air assembly in the district of Heinsberg to the adjacent contact address of the ZA1.2 department of the Heinsberg police authority. Please inform yourself about the necessity and duties of an assembly leader before submitting your notification.


The form required for a notification under the title "Notification of an assembly" as well as the "Instructions for chairing the assembly" can be found on the right under "Documents". Send the completed notification form by post, fax or e-mail to the address of your assembly authority at least 48 hours before the invitation (before the invitation means: before the participants are called to the assembly).

Meeting date

For the sake of simplicity, please arrange an appointment for a cooperation meeting with the ZA 1.2 department. In this meeting, all questions arising in connection with a planned event can be discussed and clarified.


The police then have a duty to facilitate and, if necessary, protect assemblies of all groups as an expression of the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of assembly and expression.

The police must maintain neutrality and must not make a political assessment of the demonstration topics.

An assembly may be prohibited or made subject to certain conditions if there is a concrete threat to public safety based on comprehensible forecasts.

For more information on assembly law and public assemblies, please visit our state pages.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110