The total number of traffic accidents fell from 7574 to 7368 (-206 = -2.7%).
The number of traffic accidents with personal injury (VUP) fell by 122 from 869 to 747 (-14.0%).
In 2024, 6 people were killed in traffic accidents.
The number of motorized two-wheeler riders involved in accidents fell from 163 to 153 (-6.1%) in 2024. One motorized two-wheeler rider lost his life in a traffic accident.
The number of "young adults" killed in an accident fell by 14.9% from 148 to 126 in 2023. No "young adults" were killed in a traffic accident in 2024.
152 senior citizens, 8 fewer than in 2023, were killed in an accident in 2024. One senior citizen (86/bicycle) was killed in a traffic accident. Senior citizens in the district of Heinsberg were mostly killed as cyclists (65) or car drivers (39).
The number of children killed as passengers in accidents rose from 25 to 36 in 2024. Two children aged 2 and 3 were killed as passengers in the same traffic accident.
You can find all information on traffic accident trends in the district of Heinsberg in our presentation.
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