Feet of signage placed on the roadway

Feet of signage placed on the roadway
Witnesses wanted
Heinsberg police
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Heinsberg police

Übach-Palenberg-Palenberg - On Sunday evening (July 21), a 44-year-old man was driving his car on Bahnhofstraße at around 11.30 p.m. coming from Alte Aachener Straße in the direction of the train station when he suddenly noticed two feet of mobile traffic signage on the road. He ran over one of the feet with his car, which was then so damaged that it had to be towed away.

The police are asking for witnesses to come forward who can provide relevant information about the people who placed the objects on the road.

The Heinsberg police traffic commissioner's office will be happy to receive information about the crime on 02452 920 0. It is also possible to provide information via the Heinsberg police website or via the direct link: https://polizei.nrw/artikel/anzeige-hinweis.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110