Wasenberg - On Monday afternoon (March 10), a resident of Tannenwaldstraße observed two girls aged around 14 to 16 and a boy aged around seven enter an adjacent wooded area at around 5.20 p.m. and smoke cigarettes there. About a quarter of an hour after the trio had left the woodland again, the witness noticed that there was a fire in the wood and informed the fire department, who were able to extinguish the flames. The boy was wearing a blue jacket. The girls both had dark long hair. One of them was wearing a black jacket with a white border and a white zipper. The police are now looking for further witnesses who can provide information on the identity of the persons described to clarify the incident.
They are asked to contact the police's Criminal Investigation Department 1 in Heinsberg on 02451 920 0. You can also provide information via the Heinsberg police website or via the direct link: https://polizei.nrw/artikel/anzeige-hinweis.