Bicycle inspection
Traffic accident prevention by the Heinsberg police
The aim of the Heinsberg police is to contribute to greater road safety through behavior-oriented prevention work.
Heinsberg police

Traffic accident prevention is preventive accident prevention with the aim of reducing traffic accidents. In principle, children, teenagers, young adults and senior citizens should be supported in developing into careful, considerate and risk-aware road users.

The Heinsberg police offer road safety education and road safety awareness campaigns aimed at specific target groups:


  • Pedestrian training and information for parents in kindergarten
  • Cycling education in primary schools
  • Moped courses and lectures on the subject of "Pedestrians, cyclists and inline skaters" in secondary school
  • Lectures on the topic of "Alcohol, drugs and aggression in road traffic" in upper secondary school
  • Lectures and seminars on the topic of "Older people in road traffic"

For questions and advice, please contact the traffic accident prevention and road safety advice staff.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110